Friday, April 9, 2010

The Blessing of Giving

As the mother of a child with special needs I can sincerely say the impact it has on your life as well as your families' life can be a life changing experience, in a good way. One of the goals I have always had was to maintain a healthy balance between what seemed to be two different worlds with our children at times. When they were younger, it seemed like this would be an easier task, but as they grew, I hoped their relationship would continue to grow.

Loving their sister came natural, they would not have it any other way.

Andrew is not shy when it comes to showing his love for little sister, they truely
share a special bond.

Meggie's siblings never complain about the things she is unable to do,they just make beautiful wishes for her, dreaming like most children love to do.

Meggie's sibling's Andrea and Andrew have gone the extra mile, not only would they meet my family goal, but sometimes even exceed the goals I have set. God has truly blessed us with (three children) two older siblings for Meggie, who love and adore her. Their willingness to take part in events, to speech, to do interviews, or help in other ways that would have their sisters best interest at heart is not even a question in their mind, it's just what they do. Meggie's condition has spurred us on to participate in various events still today.

Some of the things we have done as a family to make a difference especially for children include a radio interview for Children's' Hospital of Wisconsin. I will not forget the excitement the children had as we rode up to the mall in Green Bay where they were holding the radio interviews. Brad and I were interviewed regarding Meggie's condition and our experiences with Children's' Hospital. The kids were able to announce the phone number on the radio where people were able to call and make their pledges for the children with numerous conditions and some very life threatening. What a joy to be able to give back to a place that gives so much for our children!

Andrea getting ready to announce the phone number to call in pledges.

What an honor both Andrea and Andrew felt when they could be part of such a worth while event, knowing how many children would benefit from this.

Dad and Meggie watching the shows going on. Brad and I also felt the honor of being able to share our story and have the opportunity to give back to such an awesome cause,...children.

Even the radio hosts could not contain their excitement! What a great day!

At times the excitement get the best of us, and we just have to take that little siesta, after a hard days work.

Andrea, our oldest child chose to write and paper and do a speech on what it means to have a special needs sister. Though she did not go on to state with her speech, we were undoubtedly pleased with her choice of topics and her ability to get through a tough and wordy speech. In my heart and mind she was a winner!

Papers, speeches, writing songs, fundraisers, and radio interviews, prayers are all things my children have been involved in, and when they do, you can see the heart they have for their sister and these children. It has certainly been a growing experience for the whole family, confirming to us it's not what you get in life, it's about what you give.

Andrea speaking on what it is like to have a sister with special needs.

Meggie loves Andrea's music so do we!

God gave you unique spiritual GIFTS, A unique heart, unique abilities, a unique personality and a lifetime of unique experiences so you would make your own unique difference in the world. ~ The Purpose Driven Life

God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings.
~ I Peter 4:10 TLB (The Purpose Driven Life)

The most recent radio interview we were asked to do was also a very heart touching experience. I received a phone call from Sue, one of the coordinators of Possibility Playground in Port Washington, she called to see if our family would speak about what it would mean to have an all inclusive (accessible) playground for Meggie and our children. What a joy to be able to share about how children with all abilities could benefit from this. Having safe swings I could get Meggie in and out of, and having such an inspiring place for my children to be able to share with their sister seemed like a dream worth the time. The interviews were touching and my children spoke like this is something they do all the time, thanks to the radio announcer Matthew Blades, and his willingness to use his talents to help make this playground a reality. You can read more about the playground at and click on Possibility Playground, our story would be Meggie's story. Spring and summer are the start of more trips to the playground, maybe we'll see you there!

Look Meggie, a xylophone!

Great therapy for Meggie.



Swing Meggie!

My older children were delighted to see Meggie enjoy the swing and the park!!!

Reflecting back, I did not anticipate my children would be so connected to the cause. They have put both feet forward when it comes to stepping up and making things happen for their sister and other children with special needs. Meggie's condition is one source in which inspires us to participate in these events, tho I have to give the honor and glory where it belongs, and that is to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It would be a dishonor for me to take credit that is not mine.

I do have to admit I questioned at times how I managed to be blessed with these kids who have such a deep love for their little sister. The way they relate to her at times (or the value she holds in their belief system) may be hard to comprehend for the majority of people. This love is beyond what words can express from two awe-struck parents, and is certainly a gift from above.

The concerns I've always had from the past of trying to make our worlds blend together is smoothed over at times like water rolling over the sand on the shore. Our lives have blended and bonded not only by my own efforts, but by the grace of God. He has covered us with his loving compassion, which has been evident to us time after time.

I hope this leaves you feeling as blessed as I have !


  1. Wendy, What a beautiful post! I love all the pictures. We are truly blessed to have both Sam and Meggie in our lives.

  2. Very nicely said. I try, also, to get our family involved in giving back to Phoenix Children's Hospital. While my kids are still young, I realize you have to start them sooner than later! And there are so many great opportunities!! Beautiful post, your kids are amazing!
