Monday, March 8, 2010

Laughter sparks the soul

My husband has observed over the years that I am a routine person. When he first mentioned this to me, I just had to laugh and say it helps me to stay focused, but, your right. He was not criticising me, rather, just making an observation as I was working.

The other day was a great example of this. After I woke up and was ready for the day, I neatly laid out all the things needed to feed Meggie, while talking to my two older children, who were getting ready for their day. When the two older children are out the door for school, then I can focus on Meggie's schedule a little more intently.

Once she is dressed and ready, we come into the kitchen and get her seated comfortably in her throne as we call it (her wheelchair with foam princess stickers). Next we have to say good morning to meggie's best friend/yellow lab, who's name is Maddie. Now Maddie has been waiting patiently for Meggie, and will sit by her side so faithfully each morning,(unless she sneaks off for a nap and is snoring on her mat) just waiting to shower her with lots of doggie kisses. Now Meggie will return the love by patting Maddie on the head, or petting her, and occasionally, oops! poking her in the eye. This dog is sooo patient and seems to be very understanding of Meggie's visual mis calculations. What a friend !!!

It's time for breakfast, and I've neatly laid out everything we need for tube feeding and oral feeding, vitamins, H2O, and meds through the tube and if Meggie is healthy and well, we will eat the rest of the meal by mouth. Well, that particular day, she decided to grab the paper towel on the counter top, now everything water, milk, food were all set on the paper towel; when Meggie thought she was going to try a Hoodni trick. Just a note, Meggie has never watched a magic show, nor does she even know who Hoodni is. Needless to say, she pulled that paper towel at lightning speed and just then, everything on it, flew into the air and did a flip, then came crashing on the floor, clink, clank, splat. Everything landed on the floor, leaving Meggie giggling at the sounds.

"A laugh is a smile that bursts"
Mary H Waldrip

As soon as I said no, no Meggie, don't pull the paper (saying to myself, good job Einstein, your talking to your child who is fascinated with paper, loves the the sound of certain things dropping on the floor, not to mention she's done this before). I realized she missed hitting her clothes and chair with any of the mess, whoa! Then I had to laugh along with her, what a great trick Meggie!!! The mess was quickly cleaned up, and we were back to routine.

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